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Cantu: Curly-hair Product Review

Written by: Diana Cepeda

Okay, so here is my unsolicited advice on which cantu products work for curly hair, specifically 3c curls.

I'll start off by saying that I have actually tried these products on my own hair. Okay so the Cantu- Conditioning Creamy Hair Lotion. I don't know if anyone can relate to this, but my hair CRAVES thick-based product for nourishment. I found myself having to pour what felt like gallons of this stuff on my hair just for it to feel even just slightly moisturized. My hair personally did not mesh well with the Moisturizing Twist & Lock Gel, but my sister with 3a/3b curls lives by this stuff! So moving onto Coconut Curling Cream... my boyfriend loves this shit. He has 3b/3c curls. I just don't have the heart to tell him this does not keep his curls moisturized. This product is great for styling Day 1. I have not had much luck with day 2, 3, and so on when using this. I can say that I have used the curling cream to retouch my hair after sleeping. And after a good spray, and about a tablespoon amount of this stuff, your hair will look pretty revitalized. However, if your hair is anything like mine, you're going to have to keep "retouching" it if you style using this in order to keep it looking moisturized. I definitely do love the Deep Treatment Masque. Maybe it's the smell, or how silky it leaves my hair feeling after a steaming hot shower but this shit is DA BOMB! Next, is the Coconut Oil Shine & Hold Mist. 10 out of 10, seriously! I am someone who has to spray my hair every morning like a plant in order to feel like my fro can show itself to the world. This is a great alternative to water. It brings a shine/ cream-feel, while adding the perfect amount of wetness to your hair. This product will bring your ghetto Day 6 curls back to looking like Day 3 curls. If you couldn't tell, I'm obsessed. Lastly. there's the Moisturizing Curl Activator Cream. Now I don't buy this stuff often because it doesn't last me too long (I use way too much of it), but I do believe this is the best cantu product out there for the low-porosity crown that I wear daily. She is THICKK, and leaves my hair frizz-free (mostly). This, with a good gel is a perfect combo for weekly styling.

Let me know if this review was at all helpful. And what other products I can try out for y'all.

P.S. Make sure you guys wear your Curly Crowns proudly!



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I'm Diana Cepeda. Blogger, and obviously founder of the site that your eyes are currently scrolling through. Full disclosure, I have no prior experience blogging....

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